Outdoor Signs are one of the most efficient and effective means of communication. Signs help people find you, they reach people who are passing by your establishment, they present an image of your business. In short, signs tell people who you are and what you are selling. Outdoor signage is key to maximising visibility, of both your premises and brand. A sign is an investment. Your sign is one of the most permanent parts of your business and is exposed to weather and constant use. Signx advertising prides themselves on the longevity of our products lifespan, we only use highly skilled workers and quality materials.
Overview of different signage types,
- Acrylic LED Signages
- Channel Letter
- Wooden Signages
- Banners
- Backlight
- Lolipop Signs
- Pylon Signs
- Directory Signs
- Steel Letter
- Monument signs
If you would like to get started on a project or would like a free estimate for a possible idea, go ahead and contact us at
9995 571 412 , 9567 256 427 , 6238 84 8888